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Welcome Home!

We are committed to ending LGBTQ+ youth homelessness in the Inland Empire

Joshua Home was founded to create and advocate for permanent Gender-Inclusive housing solutions and opportunities, supportive services, and programs for Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth in the Inland Empire of Southern California.

While we don't currently have a  shelter for housing homeless youth, we do have The CENTER @ Joshua Home that provides basic needs including clothing and hygiene products, school supplies and other programs that offer even more resources.


A Message From the Founder & Executive Director

 "The evidence of LGBTQ+ youth homelessness can be seen in almost every neighborhood in America.


I call it, 'The Silent Epidemic' because many people are unwilling to acknowledge that it is a fact and that it is happening in their own community. Those who do acknowledge it, aren't speaking about it enough.

At Joshua Home, we are not only speaking up for the children and young people we work with, but we are also doing something to end LGBTQ+ youth homelessness by educating and encouraging others to join us in providing quality, permanent homes for these youth in our area.”

- Annette Patterson-Moore


Joshua Home Partners

None of this would be possible without our amazing sponsors, who help us advocate for gender-inclusive housing while providing life-changing programs and services like our clothing closet and personal hygiene giveaways, life skills development, educational support, and our parent mentoring program.


Thank you for helping us create a world where all LGBTQ+ youth have the support and resources they need to thrive!

Joshua Home: An LGBTQ Safe Haven is a California 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt, Nonprofit Corporation, your gift is tax-deductible.

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